It has been a while since I have sat down and written something. I remember moments when I lived to write pretty much anything I could. I was never the girl in college who hated writing her essays, I was always sitting down writing a song, or a blog, or a status update, writing was so major for me. I miss that season in my life, where I just felt so free doing something most people dread. So I decided to sit down and give this blog post a shot. This may not be my best writing, it may not even make a whole lot of sense, but allow me to re-introduce myself anyway.
Have you ever felt like you missed a time in your life so much, you just wish you could go back? It all seemed more simple, more innocent, and just an overall less complicated moment in your world? We all have those moments, the memories of the past that we wish we could re-visit and dwell in just a little bit longer. I was thinking about this today and I found myself really perplexed in thought. We long to get these moments in our lives back, but did we truly enjoy them while we were living them?
I think about college often, now that I have graduated and moved on, it seems like such a distant memory, but it really isn't that distant. I think about all the good times I had with friends, the late night talks and conversations, midnight McDonald runs, and the impromptu bible studies we use to have. I think about the roughest moments in that season and how they don't seem so rough now that I am standing on the other side of them. I think about all the would of, should of, could of things that I wish I could change, or re-do. I find it so funny that now that I am on the other side of those memories, I see things so differently. My mom always says, " hindsight is better than foresight," and I never really understood what that meant until the Lord gave me this amazing revelation today. It simply means, the past always looks different standing in our present, but it is what you do with that knowledge that can drastically change your present and your future.
See, we can look back on things in the past and we could sit and dwell there, but keep in mind that your present will one day be your past, so while your stuck looking at things that you can't change, you should be focused on what you can right now and enjoy the moment.
I remember as a little kid, I always wanted to be a grown up, I always thought there was freedom in being an adult. Now that I am an adult, I know there is so much freedom in being a kid. You see, the grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side, but you can't focus on the grass on the other side, you have to tend to your own. The seasons we go through in life are moments in this short life that we have, enjoy every season because they go as quickly as they came. right now, you might be like me and single, enjoy this season because one day, you won't have it. One day you could be married, and that will be a whole new, beautiful season, but don't be that person who continues to look back at their single season wishing they would have enjoyed it just a little bit more. I think that we take things for granted. We often take the simple things in life and forget how much beauty is in the simplicity. One day, I won't be able to just hop in a car and drive hundreds of miles just because I want to, I'll have to speak to my husband, round up the kids, figure out who's going to watch the dog , if we have a dog. See, right now the season I am is freeing, even if it doesn't always feel like it while I am in it. I want to enjoy life no matter the path God has me on, I want to stop and be thankful and grateful for where He has me at all times. Whether I am single, or married, young, or old, rich or poor, I want to just enjoy the goodness of God in every moment.
I say all this to say...
Live every day as if you won't get another season. Don't focus on the things in your right now that you can't change, instead build your faith, hold your head up, and cherish these moments, because tomorrow you may have transitioned into a new season and you want to be able to say goodbye to your old season with no regrets. "Carpe Diem."
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