So a while ago God gave me this VISION for a conference and the theme was " The Make up behind your Make-up!" I was so excited, and still am for this to take place. I was prepared to make things happen, but God said.." Not Yet!" SOO... Not yet! BUT... He recently laid this theme back on my heart. He began speaking to me about it and told me to WRITE. Write out exactly what He described to me with this theme. SOOOO... This is IT! I am going to start a series... every month for the next six months, (or so) I will be doing a blog pertaining to make-up.. but not so much Make up... GET IT? Not yet? Flow with me.
God gave me this vision of how various things we wear on our faces apply to His word and some biblical principles that we HAVE to learn in order to have a successful and complete "face" or in this case.. a healthy and flourishing relationship with God.
You are made up of SO many components, but there are some key components that are crucial to your walk with Christ.
We are going to dive DEEP into what your Make up should consist of.
What types of products are in your spiritual make-up bag and how well do you know how to apply them?
God has laid specific aspects of the Christian walk on my heart to speak with you all about these next six months! Gosh I am so excited for you all to hear the amazing, thought provoking things God has been whispering in my ear.
I have been working on applying all of these "make-up" products to my own spiritual life , and God is just showing me how His make up is ten times more beautiful than anything Mac or Sephora can provide you!
His glory is made evident in all of the supplies in your make- up bag!
I am so excited to do this.. it is really going to be good! God just keeps giving me more and more on this topic.. and I am so ready to share this with you guys! Stay posted... God is going to show you " The Make up Behind Your Make-Up." <3
You are made up of SO many components, but there are some key components that are crucial to your walk with Christ.
We are going to dive DEEP into what your Make up should consist of.
What types of products are in your spiritual make-up bag and how well do you know how to apply them?
God has laid specific aspects of the Christian walk on my heart to speak with you all about these next six months! Gosh I am so excited for you all to hear the amazing, thought provoking things God has been whispering in my ear.
I have been working on applying all of these "make-up" products to my own spiritual life , and God is just showing me how His make up is ten times more beautiful than anything Mac or Sephora can provide you!
His glory is made evident in all of the supplies in your make- up bag!
I am so excited to do this.. it is really going to be good! God just keeps giving me more and more on this topic.. and I am so ready to share this with you guys! Stay posted... God is going to show you " The Make up Behind Your Make-Up." <3
In the mean time... while I prepare to make God's vision for this go off smoothly... I want you all to continue to read the previous blog posts, encourage your friends and family to do the same!
I believe that God has had me in this place of not writing for a while to prepare for this very moment. I have had some time to take and reflect on the things of God and now it is time for Him to just do what He wants. I want Him to Have His way!
I am so excited for yall to just see God's vision made evident in this!
I encourage you guys to continue to let God move in your worlds! Don't stop letting Him have His way! Keep loving on each other... our goal forever and ever is to ...
Be Blessed Pretties,
Nicole L.