Friday, September 28, 2012

Love... COVER UP!

So for the past few days I have walked all over campus and been MORTIFIED at the way some women chose to "express themselves" and dress.Women in the world feel like they need to use their bodies to "catch a man" so they dress the way they do.  It makes me really sad and my heart breaks for them. BUT I need to call out my sisters in Christ ( no judgement.. just accountability). I have seen my sisters dressing the same as some of the women we see " In the world." I REALLY feel it on my heart to touch on this ISSUE because I want us to do BETTER!


The way we dress and carry ourselves is CRUCIAL to our walk with God.. and can even affect our  brother's in Christ as well. 1st Corinthians 8:13 says
"Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble."
Now this verse applies to more than just food. The last thing we want to do is cause our brother's to stumble. If my brother deals with lust and I wear a short skirt and a tube top that shows EVERYTHING God gave me, I am causing him to stumble. He is then going to lust after my flesh which will be incising to him which can lead him to do things in his walk that are ungodly and not holy and unpleasing to God. ALL BAD! We want to help keep their eyes focused on the cross and on God at all times.

I can hear it now "Well if they don't like it.. they don't have to look!"


Part of the reason you dress the way you do is for attention! ACTUALLY probably more than 80% of the reason you dress the way you do is for attention! Men will be men.. ! Don't show them a steak and expect their mouth not to water! That is foolish thinking and you are playing yourself if you think it is the guy's fault for noticing the seductive way you are dressing!


Do not think that you can get a TRUE man of God to take interest in more than just your body if you dress the way that you do!
1.) A man of God wants a woman who honors her body by giving it to Christ and keeping herself covered up for her future husband!
2.) How can he take you seriously if you won't take yourself seriously??? If you look like a girl who is willing to "go" then a Godly man will do his very best to RUN from you and FLEE... most likely you will portray the " look" of a Proverbs 7 woman (read that)  and He will move SWIFTLY!
3.) Have some self-respect! Why show the world everything you have??!?? you will just continue to be used, abused , and hurt !
4.) DO NOT plant an apple tree and expect to see peaches grow! You get what you put out! So if you are offering up meat.. you will get nothing but DOGS! So when you don't see the good ones taking interest... don't be shocked!

Now I am not saying you have to wear a turtle neck and  sweat pants!!!!! You can be fashionable and still be modest in your dress! The bible says a woman of virtue clothes herself well! We are suppose to be the LADIES! We can do that though, with out looking like the bomb went off and took half of our clothes with it!

" She is Clothed in Royalty... She clothes herself well, she reflects her worth through what she wears." - 

Proverbs 31:22 says :

"She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple." 

Purple is the clolor of royalty! YOU ARE ROYALTY! start acting like it! you better know who Christ says you are! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! That means all the extra stuff you are doing to get attention from guys is just that, EXTRA STUFF! God said you are AMAZING .. made in His IMAGE! You look JUST LIKE JESUS! ACT LIKE IT! 

My heart cries for women who do not know their value! It makes me sick and sad and I am not even kidding! God thinks you are PRECIOUS and GORGEOUS fully clothed with your heart abandoned worshipping Him.. and the RIGHT man of God will think the same!
You do not have to put out an image that you aren't in order to get attention! CHRIST is willing to give you His undivided attention and all you have to do is accept it!


True beauty emanates from a woman who serves Christ with her LIFE.. it comes from the inside! But to test true outer beauty is to be the most beautiful woman, fully clothed, with a heart like Christ!

You ALL are crazy loved by God! 

Love you, 

Nicole L.