So I am FINALLY getting just a little bit of time in between classes to write a blog that has been on my heart these past few weeks! I have been such a busy girl with school, work, family and friends, but God doesn't feel like it is too much to do a conference so I trust Him.
God has entrusted me with a ministry and instilled in me this NEW passion for WOMEN.. It is NUTS to me! If you know much about my story or my testimony, then you know women have not always been my favorite human beings to communicate with.
For as long as I can remember I was the girl who was always way more comfortable with guys. Not that I was dating every guy ( Not the case AT ALL) I just had tons of male friends. Women always struck me as catty and insecure, full of drama, and CRAZY! I shied away from friendships with women because my past experiences had only proven me right! I had TWO really close female friends from high school that I love to death STILL today (Cherelle and Terrion) who pretty much felt the same about other women that I did! I always found myself in situations where I was trying to be nice and sweet and it totally back fired into " Nicole thinks she is better than me." I could not win if I had tried any harder to impress all of these women! It was horrible to feel like I could not relate to my fellow "sisters" I felt out of place and uncomfortable! I hated it... so I went right on back to my comfort zone with the fellas and I was fine!
*Side Note: I was wrong to be trying to please people! I should have kept my eyes ont he cross and focused only on what pleases God! His opinion of you is the MOST important! KNow that through Him you are ALWAYS so LOVED! He will NEVER exclude you!
It was not until LAST YEAR... YES .. just LAST YEAR that God began to instill in me a heart for women!
I decided to pledge for my organization ( Zeta Phi Zeta Christian Sorority Inc.). I knew I could do anything else in the world I had always had my eye on a D9 (Divine Nine) org since I was a little girl. But God made other plans! I found myself on line with two other ladies, Angelica and Ebony ( Love you ladies!). At first I was so unsure of myself and of them. Would history repeat itself? Would they keep me at arms length like I wanted to keep them? I was so nervous that the process of getting to know these ladies scared me MORE than the entire process of getting into the organization! As our days went on together I built such a bond with those two. We shared our stories, hurts, pasts, presents, what we wanted for our futures. We knew where each other was spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. We had BONDED. It was wonderful how God brought us together for a greater purpose.. to serve Him with our lives TOGETHER as sisters in Christ!
Still, even after such an encounter with women as I had with those two amazing ladies, I STILL hung close to my mind set of " women are evil" I just eliminated the FEW that I thought were not.
What I didn't know is that the few who I eliminated from being " not evil" were seeds God was planting in my life to grow a passion in me that I couldn't see.
* Side Note: God will plant seeds in our hearts and nurture them for His greater purpose. We often don't see the seeds being planted we kind of just chalk them up to being " life experiences." But with God, every experience is part of a testimony which leads to a vision which is His ultimate purpose for your life in the kingdom of God! You have a purpose in His kingdom! Find it!
The seeds God had started to plant in my life began to grow at such a rapid pace! I found myself truly wanting to be a part of a sisterhood with other women! My mind transformed ! I totally did a Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing and perfect will."
My mind had no longer been stuck in the " Women are evil" state that the devil had been fooling me with for years! The devil has us convinced that we are competing with each other instead of working together for a common purpose and goal! God changed my heart so that I could live out His will! I found PASSION and PURPOSE in women! I want to build strong bonds and connections! God is blowing my mind with the love He has given me for all of you lovely ladies!
Which brings me to where I am today with this ministry I have been given and this exciting conference in the works!
My passion is now to see women of God come together and SERVE Him and each other! I want to see self esteem in the kingdom of God increase and for women to know their value and worth comes from Christ ALONE! I want to see CHANGE in our minds and CHANGE in our hearts! A change that only God can make happen!
This is where my new ministry " Love Me...31" comes in! I am so excited about all of the vision God has given me for the women in the body of Christ! There are so many ministries out here that are AMAZING I am ecstatic that God wants mine to be a part of it!"Love Me...31" is designed to bring women together and get us all on the same page when it comes to our self-esteem, our confidence, and our passion for God. Our founding scripture is Proverbs 31:30 " Charm is deceptive, beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears to Lord is to be praised." That is my FAVORITE scripture and it shows us that our worth is in Christ not in our beauty or charm but in Him ALONE!
I am so excited to get to FINALLY share this vision with all of my amazing sisters in Christ! God has hit me with so many things all at once for this ministry that the moves I have to make are STRATEGIC! I am so ready and my heart is in the right place for such a time as this! I am ready for where ever God wants me to go with this, my heart is open!
I ask for tons of prayer as I go into this journey.. lots of covering over everyone who has their hands in this ministry! If God leads you to give me any tips or advice I am open to listening, hearing, and receiving! I than you all for all of the support that I have already gotten. And I am SO excited to see God working and growing in me!
I pray that this ministry has an impact on LIVES and HEARTS! This is so not even about me at all! It is about God and what He wants to see in His kingdom! I am just simply a servant who He is using... nothing more... nothing less!
I ask for tons of prayer as I go into this journey.. lots of covering over everyone who has their hands in this ministry! If God leads you to give me any tips or advice I am open to listening, hearing, and receiving! I than you all for all of the support that I have already gotten. And I am SO excited to see God working and growing in me!
I pray that this ministry has an impact on LIVES and HEARTS! This is so not even about me at all! It is about God and what He wants to see in His kingdom! I am just simply a servant who He is using... nothing more... nothing less!
I pray for my sisters in Christ! that you continue to be lead by the holy spirit in all endeavours. I pray that God continues to grow you and mold you into a BEAUTIFUL women who has a heart just like His! I pray that you begin to give all of yourself to God fully and that you grow content with who you are in Him! I pray God shows you His vision and purpose in you life and instills in you vision and passion
you can email any comments, questions, or prayers to ! I will respond to them ALL! :)
I love you all so very much and I can not WAIT to see God's vision lived out fully!
Nicole L.
Also "like" us on facebook : Love Me 31
and follow us on twitter : @Lov3me31
God loves YOU like CRAZY!!!!
Nicole L.